To use Manual Calibration:1. Ensure manual calibration mode is selected in the speed calibration field, if not,press O, highlight ëManual Calibrate?í, and press O.2. Press T. The slider bar will turn black and the calibration range bar will turn towhite.3. Use the R keypad to move the selector bar until the speed displayed in the ëSTWífield matches the speed of your boat. Move the bar to the left for negative valuesand right for positive values.4. When the desired speed is displayed, press T.5. Press Q to return to the sounder page.Two options may be accessed from the sounder setup options menu: ëManual orAuto Calibrationí (whichever one currently is not selected) and ëRestore Defaultsí.Access the options menu by pressing O, select an option, and press T.ï Setup Simulator?ó This sounder page option will appear only when the unit is insimulator mode. It allows you to define simulator speed, course, altitude, depth, andposition values. See the Getting Started Tour for more on the simulator .A. The ëSetup Simulator?í option is included inthe options menu for each of the five mainpages when in simulator mode.B. Each simulator data field may be modified todisplay user-selected values and navigationalinformation.35A BSECTION3SOUNDER PAGESounder Setup andCalibration