A BThe map configuration options page also features a map calibration function thatallows you to calibrate the map display with your exact physical surroundings orcorrect data from older charts. Before using the map calibration function, check tomake sure that your map datum selected on the GPS matches the datum on thechart you are using (see page 76). To calibrate the map display, you must knowexactly where you are, and understand that the correction is generally valid only ina limited range from the point of correction.Map calibration should only be performed while the vessel is not moving, andshould never be used to attempt SA corrections, which can degrade accuracy up to330í (100 meters). The maximum correction is 16,400 feet (5000m).To calibrate the map:1. Select the ëCalibrate the Map?í option and press T.2. Use the R keypad to move the arrow cursor from the satelliteposition (indicated by the satellite icon) to your exact position. The bearing, dis-tance and position will be indicated in the data window.3. Press T to confirm the calibration offset.The next option available from the map configuration page is the set map colorsoption, which allows you to define the fill color (grayscale) of the land and waterused on the map display. Three options are available: no color (no fills for land orwater), gray land/white water (the default setting), and white land/gray water.To select a map colors option:1. Select the ëSet Map Colors?í option and press T.2. Highlight the desired map color option and press T.The map configuration options page also features a ërestore defaultsí function thatcan be used to quickly restore all map configuration options to the factory settings.To restore the map configuration options to the factory defaults:1. Highlight the ëRestore Defaults?í settings and press T.A. To calibrate the map, highlight the ëCalibratethe Map?í option and press EDIT/ENTER.B. A satellite icon will remain on the map toindicate the GPS position, while the boatmarker will reflect the calibration changes.CAUTION!The map calibration function should never beused to attempt corrections to SelectiveAvailability errors.SECTION4 MAP PAGEMap Configuration& Map Colors42