GPSMAP 3006C/3010C Owner’s Manual M aIn Menu > dsc (dIgItal selectIve callIng ) tabM aInM enuUnderstanding DSC Distress CallsWith your GPSMAP 3006C/3010C properly connected to a VHF radio with DSCoutput, you can receive any DSC distress call within range. An alert messageappears, and an alarm sounds (if enabled) when a distress call is received. Thealarm sounds only for a distress call; position reports do not sound an alarm.Distress calls are broadcast to all DSC users in radio range and appear with a blueand white checkered icon on the DSC tab’s Call List and Log sub tabs.You can enter a caller’s name, if it is known. The caller’s name replaces theMMSI number as a reference, when entered.Understanding Position ReportsThe position report operates similarly to the distress call. This type of contact islike a phone call; no emergency alarms are set off, and the call is specific to thereceiver. Position reports are not broadcast to all DSC users and appear with agold boat icon.Call List Sub TabThe Call List sub tab shows the 100 most recent calls, even if the unit is leftunattended. You can select any entry from the Call List to show an Entry Review.Log Sub TabWhen DSC calls are received, they are automatically stored in the log, withthe latest call at the top. The unit can store up to 100 calls; after 100 calls arereceived, the oldest is removed when a new call is received.The Call List and Log sub tabs both show the call type, date/time, position, andMMSI/Name. Pressing the Sort By (Call) Type, Sort By Time, Sort By Name,Delete (only after highlighting a particular call), and Delete All soft keys allowsyou to sort and delete calls.To review a call or log entry:1. From the DSC tab, highlight the Call List or Log sub tab.2. Press up or down on the ROCKER to highlight the call you want to review.3. Press ENTER.Review DSC WaypointThe Review DSC Waypoint Page operates similarly to the Distress Page andPosition Report Page. From this page you can delete the displayed call. On theDSC Review Waypoint Page, press the Delete soft key to delete the entry, orpress the Create Wpt soft key to create a waypoint.Review DSC Waypoint