GPSMAP 3006C/3010C Owner’s ManualM aIn Menu > hIghwaY tab and XM tabMaInM enuHighway TabUse the highway tab to select whether waypoints and tracks are shown on the 3DHighway Page. Use the ROCKER and the ENtER key to select or clear options.• Active Route Waypoints—show all active route waypoints.• User Waypoints—show only nearby waypoints.• track log—show current active track log.• Saved tracks—show any saved track logs.XM TabUse the XM tab to view and select XM Radio channels, add or delete favorites,and obtain radio ID and XM WX Weather service level information. The XM tabcontains two sub tabs: Audio and Information. The XM tab appears only if theWeather or XM Audio check box is selected on the System tab and you have aGDL30/30A connected to your GPSMAP 3006C/3010C.NOtE: You must have a GDL30A connected to your GPSMAP 3006C/3010Cand your stereo receiver and a subscription to XM Radio to use the XM Radiofeature. For more information, see the GDL 30/30A Owner’s Manual.Audio Sub TabUse the Audio sub tab to view and select XM Radio channels, add a channel toor remove a channel from the Favorites category, scan channels, and turn audiooutput on or off. The Audio sub tab appears only if the XM Audio check box isselected on the Main Menu—System tab.Channel number CategoryFavorteslstArtstSong ttleChannel name