28 GPSMAP 392/398/492/498 Owner’s ManualM AIN PAGES > M AP PAGEUsing the Map PointerThe map pointer pans away from your present location (evenoutside of your current detail coverage.) As you pan past the edgeof the current Map Page, the screen actively scrolls forward toprovide continuous map coverage. An hourglass symbol appears bythe map pointer while the unit is busy drawing new map details.Move the mappointer over anitem on the mapto highlight it.As you move the map pointer, the distance and bearing from yourpresent location to the map pointer is shown in the data window,along with the map pointer’s location coordinates. Keep in mindthat when the map pointer is stationary, the distance and bearingfrom your present position changes as your location moves. Themap pointer can also be used to view on-screen waypoint and mapitem properties directly from the Map Page.Pressing ENTER whilehighlighting a map itembrings up additionaldetails and options.Additionalinformation tabsAdditional optionsTo select an on-screen waypoint or map item with themap pointer:1. Use the ROCKER to move the map pointer to a waypoint ormap item. (If there are several waypoints grouped closelytogether, zoom in closer for a better view.) When a waypointor map item is selected, it is highlighted on-screen, with thename and location shown.2. Press ENTER to show details of the map item. When usingBlueChart g2 or MapSource data, additional informationtabs appear. Use the ROCKER to highlight the individualtabs, and show information and options.3. Press QUIT to exit the review page.