GPSMAP 392/398/492/498 Owner’s Manual 37M AIN MENU > GPS TABM AIN MENUThe Main Menu provides access to various waypoint, system,navigation, interface management, and setup menus. The 19 Menutabs are divided into categories by function. The Main Menu isavailable from any page in the system, and is accessed by pressingand holding ADJ/MENU. See page 6 for additional instructions onchanging settings and entering data.Main menutabsSub tabsMain MenuTo select a Menu tab from the Main Menu:1. Press up or down on the ROCKER to highlight a tab. Theinformation for the highlighted tab automatically appearsto the right. If you want to select any of the sub tab items,press right on the ROCKER, then press up or down toselect individual items.2. Either press ADJ/MENU for additional submenu options,or press ENTER to make changes to the highlighted item.Press left on the ROCKER to get back to the Main Menu.3. Press QUIT to exit the Main Menu.GPS TabThe GPS tab provides a visual reference of satellite acquisition,receiver status, and accuracy. The status information providesan idea of what the receiver is doing at any given moment. Thesky view and signal strength bars give you an indication of whatsatellites are visible to the receiver and whether or not they arebeing tracked. The signal strength is shown on a bar graph for eachsatellite, with the satellite number below. As the receiver locks ontosatellites, a signal strength bar appears for each satellite in view.