GPSMAP 392/398/492/498 Owner’s Manual 55M AIN MENU > R OUTES TABTo add turns at the beginning or end of the route:1. Select the first (to add waypoints to the beginning of theroute) or last (to add waypoints to the end of the route)route waypoint with the map pointer, and press ADJ/MENU.2. Highlight the Add option, and press ENTER.3. Move the map pointer to the new point or location, andpress ENTER.4. Repeat step 3 to insert additional waypoints, or press QUITto finish.Route edit mode also allows you to insert a new route waypoint inany route leg using the map pointer.To insert a new waypoint between two existing routewaypoints:1. Use the ROCKER to select the leg you want to insert thenew waypoint in, and press ENTER.2. Move the map pointer to the new map location, existingwaypoint, or map item (ADD is shown below the arrow andthe route lines move with the arrow), and press ENTER.Add Before—inserts a waypoint into the list of route points or adda point(s) onto the end of the route.To insert a point into the route, or add a point tothe end of the route:1. From either the Route Review or Active Route Pages, usethe ROCKER to highlight the point you want to insert thenew point before (to add a point to the end, highlight theblank field at the bottom of the list), and press ADJ/MENU.2. Highlight Add Before, and press ENTER.3. From the Find menu, highlight Waypoints, and pressENTER. (You can also choose from other points, such asCities or Tide Stations from this list.) From either the Useror Nearest From Current Location tab lists, choose thewaypoint you want, and press ENTER twice. (See page 48for searching for waypoints by name.)