56 GPSMAP 392/398/492/498 Owner’s ManualM AIN MENU > R OUTES TABDrag the routeleg to an existingwaypoint (shown),map item, or ablank spot on themap to create anew route point.Remove—removes a point (waypoint or map item) from a route.This option is available from both the Route Review and ActiveRoute Pages.To remove a point from a route:1. From either the Route Review or Active Route Pages, usethe ROCKER to highlight the point to remove, and pressADJ/MENU.2. Highlight Remove, and press ENTER.Plan—the Route Review and Active Route Pages also show trip-planning information for each leg or the entire route. Availableinformation includes Course, ETA, Fuel (to point), Leg Distance,Leg Fuel, Leg Time, Sunrise and Sunset (at point location), andTime To (point).To plan your route:1. From the Route Review Page, press ADJ/MENU, highlightPlan, and press ENTER.2. Use the ROCKER to enter planning data in the Speed,Depart Time, Fuel Flow, and Depart Date fields.Trip Planning Data FieldsNOTE: Fuel flow rates on your unit are measured in units perhour. System setting changes for units of measure (statute,nautical, or metric) do not affect the fuel flow measure. Youshould enter fuel flow rates based on available information foryour vehicle’s (operator’s manual performance specifications)and note of the units of measure (gallons, liters.)