68 GPSMAP 392/398/492/498 Owner’s ManualM AIN MENU > U NITS TAB• Depth—allows you to select the units of measure for depthin Feet (ft), Fathoms (fa) or Meters (m).• Temperature—allows you to select the units of measure fortemperature in Fahrenheit (°F) or Celsius (°C).• Pressure—allows you to select units of measure forpressure in Inches Mercury (in), Millibars (mb), andHectopascals (hPa).Time Sub TabThe Time tab shows the current time and date, allows you to adjustthe 12 or 24 hour time format, enter a time zone, and adjust fordaylight saving time.The following options are available:• Time Format—choose from 12 Hour, 24 Hour (military), orUTC time format.• Time Zone—choose your correct time zone to show correctlocal time or select Other.• Daylight Saving Time—choose from Auto, On, or Off toadjust for daylight saving time.Comm (Communications) Sub TabThe Comm tab controls the input/output format used whenconnecting your GPSMAP 392/398/492/498 to external NMEAdevices, a PC, or another Garmin unit.• Garmin Data Transfer—the proprietary format used toupload or download MapSource data, exchange waypoint,route, track, almanac, and proximity data with a PC oranother Garmin unit. When you select Garmin Data Transfer,you can choose from 11 Transfer Modes: Host, RequestAlmanac, Request Proximity, Request Routes, RequestTracks, Request Waypoints, Send Almanac, Send Proximity,Send Routes, Send Tracks, and Send Waypoints.• Garmin Remote Sonar—required for use with the GSD 22,GSD 21, or GSD 20.• NMEA In/NMEA Out—supports the input/output ofstandard NMEA 0183 data, and sonar NMEA input supportfor the DPT, MTW and VHW sentences.• None—provides no interfacing capabilities.