46Units Page - OverviewThe Units features are best used by individuals witha working knowledge of map grids and datums. To learnmore about these subjects, visit the National Imageryand Mapping Agency at http://www.nima.mil or inquireat your library.Position Format - Allows you to choose fromdifferent grid formats. The default position format,‘hdddomm.mmm’ displays the latitude and longitudein degrees and minutes and is most commonly used.Map Datum - Offers a selection of nearly all mapdatums in common use. Every map is based on amap datum (a reference model of the earth’s shape)and is usually listed in the title block of the map. Ifyou are comparing GPS coordinates to a paper map,chart, or other reference, the map datum in this fieldmust match the horizontal map datum used to gener-ate the map or other reference. The default datumis WGS 84 (World Geodetic Survey 1984) and shouldonly be changed when using maps or charts specifyinga different datum. If a map does specify a datum,use the options list to find datums applicable to theregion of the map, selecting the one that providesthe best positioning at a known point. You may alsochoose the ‘User’ datum for custom designed grids.Distance/Speed - You can choose from three units ofmeasure to display your rate of travel.Elevation/Vertical Speed - You can choose from twounits of measure to record your elevation and rate ofascent.Step-by-Step InstructionsTo select Units Page options:1. For all fields on this page, highlight the field andthen press in on the CLICK STICK to display theoptions menu for the field.2. Highlight the desired option on the menu and then pressin on the CLICK STICK to place it in the field.Setup PagesReferenceUnits PagePosition FormatOptions MenuMap DatumOptions MenuDistance/SpeedOptionsElevation/VerticalSpeedOptions