1-6z Do not set the voice VLAN as the default VLAN of a port in automatic voice VLAN assignmentmode. Otherwise, the system prompts error information. For information about voice VLAN, refer toVoice VLAN Configuration.z The local and remote ports must use the same default VLAN ID for the traffic of the default VLAN tobe transmitted properly.A port configured with the default VLAN handles a frame as follows:Actions (in the inbound direction)Port typeUntagged frame Tagged frameActions (in the outbounddirection)AccessTag the frame withthe default VLANtag.z Receive the frame if itsVLAN ID is the sameas the default VLAN ID.z Drop the frame if itsVLAN ID is differentfrom the default VLANID.Remove the default VLAN tag andsend the frame.Trunkz Remove the tag and send theframe if the frame carries thedefault VLAN tag.z Send the frame withoutremoving the tag if its VLAN iscarried on the port but isdifferent from the default one.HybridCheck whether thedefault VLAN ispermitted on theport:z If yes, tag theframe with thedefault VLANtag.z If not, drop theframe.z Receive the frame if itsVLAN is carried on theport.z Drop the frame if itsVLAN is not carried onthe port.Send the frame if its VLAN iscarried on the port. The frame issent with the VLAN tag removedor intact depending on yourconfiguration with the port hybridvlan command. This is true of thedefault VLAN.Assigning an Access Port to a VLANYou can assign an access port to a VLAN in VLAN view, interface view, or port group view.1) In VLAN viewFollow these steps to assign one or multiple access ports to a VLAN in VLAN view:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter VLAN view vlan vlan-idRequiredIf the specified VLAN does not exist, thiscommand creates the VLAN first.Assign one or a groupof access ports to thecurrent VLANport interface-list RequiredBy default, all ports belong to VLAN 1.