1-5z If a route policy node has the permit keyword specified, routing information matching all theif-match clauses of the node will be handled using the apply clauses of this node, without needingto match against the next node. If routing information does not match the node, it will go to the nextnode for a match.z If a route policy node has the deny keyword specified, the apply clauses of the node will not beexecuted. When routing information matches all the if-match clauses of the node, it cannot passthe node, or go to the next node. If route information cannot match all the if-match clauses of thenode, it will go to the next node for a match.z When a route policy has more than one node, at least one node should be configured with thepermit keyword. If the route policy is used to filter routing information, routing information that doesnot meet any node cannot pass the route policy. If all nodes of the route policy are set with thedeny keyword, no routing information can pass it.Defining if-match ClausesFollow these steps to define if-match clauses for a route-policy node:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter route policy node viewroute-policyroute-policy-name { permit |deny } node node-numberRequiredMatch IPv4 routinginformation specified inthe ACLif-match acl acl-numberMatch IPv4 routinginformation specified inthe IP prefix listif-match ip-prefixip-prefix-nameOptionalNot configured by default.Definematchcriteriafor IPv4routes Match IPv4 routinginformation whose nexthop or source isspecified in the ACL orIP prefix listif-match ip { next-hop |route-source } { aclacl-number | ip-prefixip-prefix-name }OptionalNot configured by default.Match IPv6 routing informationwhose next hop or source isspecified in the ACL or IP prefix listif-match ipv6 { address |next-hop | route-source } { aclacl-number | prefix-listipv6-prefix-name }OptionalNot configured by default.Match routes having the specifiedcost if-match cost value OptionalNot configured by default.Match routing information havingspecified outbound interface(s)if-match interface{ interface-typeinterface-number }&<1-16>OptionalNot configured by default.Match RIP routing informationhaving the specified tag value if-match tag value OptionalNot configured by default.