11-16regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, which is a case sensitive string of 1 to 256characters.DescriptionUse the display stp region-configuration command to display the currently effective configurationinformation of the MST region, including the region name, revision level, and user-configuredVLAN-to-instance mappings.Related commands: instance, region-name, revision-level, and vlan-mapping modulo.Examples# Display the currently effective MST region configuration information. display stp region-configurationOper ConfigurationFormat selector :0Region name :helloRevision level :0Configuration digest :0x5f762d9a46311effb7a488a3267fca9fInstance Vlans Mapped0 21 to 40941 1 to 102 11 to 20Table 11-8 display stp region-configuration command output descriptionField DescriptionFormat selector MSTP-defined format selector, which defaults to 0 and is not configurableRegion name MST region nameRevision level Revision level of the MST region, which can be configured by using therevision-level command and defaults to 0.Instance Vlans Mapped VLAN-to-instance mappings in the MST regiondisplay stp rootSyntaxdisplay stp root [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]ViewAny viewDefault Level1: Monitor levelParameters|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regularexpressions, see CLI Configuration in the Fundamentals Configuration Guide.