Leviton Scene ControlOmniLT supports Leviton Scene Control (a feature found in certain Leviton Switches. There are 16 Scenes that can be set andexecuted. The Leviton Switches are divided into "lighting groups" of four units each. Each of these lighting groups can be set tofour different Scenes. Once the Scenes have been set up, a command can be sent to the units in that Scene to simultaneouslyreturn to the preprogrammed lighting level.SceneThere are 16 Scenes that can be set and executed. The X-10 units (unit numbers 1-16) are divided into "lighting groups" of fourunits each. Each of these lighting groups can be set to four different Scenes. Scenes 1-4 apply to the first four unit numbers(units 1-4), Scenes 5-8 to the next four unit numbers (units 5-8), and so on. Thus an easy correspondence is made between Scenenumbers and unit numbers.SCENES1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161 X X X X2 X X X X3 X X X X4 X X X X5 X X X X6 X X X X7 X X X X8 X X X X9 X X X X10 X X X X11 X X X X12 X X X X13 X X X X14 X X X X15 X X X XUNIT NUMBERS16 X X X XX - Corresponds to the unit numbers in a Scene.Scene CommandsScene Commands are used to Set Scenes, issue a Scene On command, and issue a Scene Off command. To issue SceneCommands, press the 2 (SCENE) key. You are prompted to enter a Scene number.ENTER SCENE:1-16Enter the Scene number (1-16) followed be the ' # ' key.SCENE 10=OFF 1=ON 2=SETScene Set CommandThe Scene Set command is used to set up Scenes for a lighting group. Set the desired lighting level for each of the units in thelighting group for the first Scene. The desired lighting level may be set manually at the switch, or by a command issued from thecontroller. After the desired lighting levels are set, press the 2 (SET) key to save the first Scene for that group. Commands aresent to each of the four units in that group to instruct each unit to save its current lighting level as the lighting level for the Scene.Repeat these steps to set up each of the remaining three Scenes for that lighting group.Scene On CommandOnce the Scenes have been set up, press the 1 (ON) key to command the four units in that Scene to return to the lighting level setby the Scene Set command for that Scene.24