18 IBM Desktop System HMMStartup MenuStartup SequenceSelect this option to change the system StartupSequence.Keyboard NumLock StateThis field indicates the state of the NumLock featureof the keyboard after Startup. If NumLock is “On”, thekeys on the keypad will act as numeric keys. IfNumLock is “Off”, the keys on the keypad will act ascursor keys. Default is On.Keyboard SpeedUse this field to set the speed at which the keyboardplaces characters on the screen when you type. The“Normal” keyboard speed places characters on thescreen at a rate of 10 characters-per-second. The“Fast” keyboard speed places characters on thescreen at a rate of 30 characters-per-second. Defaultis Fast. The other option is Normal.Keyboardless OperationThe keyboardless operation mode allows the systemto function without a keyboard or mouse. This modeof operation is commonly used when the system hasbeen set up as a network server. Default is Disabled.CD-ROM Drop DownSelect to enable/disable the push button on the frontpanel which makes the CD-ROM accessible. Defaultis Enabled.Power On Self TestSet the level of system testing that will be done whenthe machine is turned on. Default is Quick. The otheroption is Enhanced.Power On LogoThis option controls the display of the logo when thesystem is turned on. Select Disabled if you do notwant the logo to be displayed. Select Enabled todisplay the logo. Default is Enabled.