Display/Alter Sector Service AidThis service aid allows the user to display and alter information on a disk sector.Care must be used when using this service aid because inappropriate modification tosome disk sectors may result in total loss of all data on the disk. Sectors areaddressed by their decimal sector number. Data is displayed both in hex and inASCII. To prevent corrupted data from being incorrectly corrected, the service aid willnot display information that cannot be read correctly.Optical Disk Service AidsThe Optical Disk Service Aids consist of Initialize, Format and Certify, and SpareSector Availability service aids. InitializeThis service aid is used to format the optical disk without certifying it. This optiondoes not reassign the defective sectors; however, it is a quick way of formattingafter cleaning the disk. Format and CertifyThis service aid is used to format the optical disk and certify it. The certificationprocess is drive specific and performs the surface analysis of all user data andspare sectors. The defective sectors are reassigned. Spare Sector AvailabilityThis service aid checks the number of spare sectors available on the optical disk.The spare sectors are used to reassign when defective sectors are encounteredduring normal usage or during a format and certify operation. Low availability ofspare sectors indicates that the disk needs to be backed up and replaced. For-matting the disk will not improve the availability of spare sectors.Diskette Media Service AidThis service aid provides a way to verify the data written on a diskette. When thisservice aid is selected, a menu asks you to select the type of diskette being verified.The program then reads all of the ID and data fields on the diskette and displays thetotal number of bad sectors found.Chapter 7. Using the Service Aids 7-13