Table 8. DSA diagnostic messages (continued)v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved.v See Chapter 3, “Parts listing, System x3350 Type 4192 and 4193 server,” on page 45 to determine which components arecustomer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).v If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trainedservice technician.Messagenumber Component Test State Description Action165-904-xxx RemoteSupervisorAdapterRSA Restart Test Failed RemoteSupervisorAdapter restarttest failure withreason: theRemoteSupervisorAdapter cannotwake up from therestart process.1. Make sure that Linux is selected inAdvanced Setup –> RSA II Settings–> OS USB Selection in theConfiguration/Setup Utility program(press F1 at system startup).2. Make sure that the Remote SupervisorAdapter II SlimLine firmware is at thelatest level. The installed firmware levelis shown in the DSA event log in theFirmware/VPD section for thiscomponent. For the latest level offirmware, go to and select your systemto display a matrix of availablefirmware.3. Make sure that the DSA code is at thelatest level. For the latest level of DSAcode, go to Run the test again.5. Turn off the system and disconnect itfrom the power source.6. Reseat the Remote Supervisor AdapterII SlimLine.7. Reconnect the system to the powersource and turn on the system.8. Run the test again.9. If the problem remains, collect the datafrom the DSA event log and send it toIBM Service. For information aboutcontacting and sending data to IBMService, see IBM System x3350 Type 4192 and 4193: Problem Determination and Service Guide