Chapter 4. Infrastructure planning 1254.8.2 PDU and line cord optionsSome PDUs have attached line cords while others require a line cord to be orderedseparately based on your requirement of Three-phase power or Single-phase power. SeeTable 4-7 for PDU, line cord, and phase options for both North America and InternationalPDUs.Table 4-7 Power distribution units and line cordsPartnumberDescription Line cordpartnumberPhase Volts(V)Line cord rating(Derated)Line cord plug Number /Type ofoutletsSwitched and Monitored PDUs - North America46M4002 IBM 1U 9 C19/3 C13AEM DPI PDU40K9614 1ph 200V-240V 30A (24A) NEMA L6 30P 9 / C193 / C1340K9615 1ph 200V-240V 60A (48A) IEC 309 2P+G46M4003 IBM 1U 9 C19/3 C13AEM 60A 3 PhasePDUAttached 3ph 208V 60A (27.7A/ph) IEC 309 3P+G 9 / C193 / C1346M4004 IBM 1U 12 C13 AEMDPI PDU40K9614 1ph 200V-240V 30A (24A) NEMA L6 30P 12 / C1340K9615 1ph 200V-240V 60A (48A) IEC 309 2P+G46M4005 IBM 1U 12 C13 AEM60A 3 Phase PDUAttached 3ph 208V 60A (27.7A/ph) IEC 309 3P+G 12 / C1346M4167 IBM 1U 9 C19/3 C13Switched andMonitored 30A 3Phase PDUAttached 3ph 208V 30A (13.85A/ph) NEMA L21-30P 9 / C193 / C1346M4116 IBM 0U 24 C13Switched andMonitored 30A PDUAttached 1ph 200V-240V 30A (24A) NEMA L6 30P 24 / C1346M4134 IBM 0U 12 C19/12C13 Switched andMonitored 50A 3Phase PDUAttached 3ph 208V 50A (23.09A/ph) CS8365L 12 / C1912 / C13Switched and Monitored PDUs - International46M4119 IBM 0U 24 C13Switched andMonitored 32A PDUAttached 1ph 220V-240V 32A IEC 309 P+N+G 24 / C1346M4137 IBM 0U 12 C19/12C13 Switched andMonitored 32A 3Phase PDUAttached 3ph Y 380V-415V 32A (32A/ph) IEC 3093P+N+G12 / C1912 / C1346M4002 IBM 1U 9 C19/3 C13AEM DPI PDU40K9612 1ph 220V-240V 32A IEC 309 P+N+G 9 / C193 / C1340K9613 1ph 220V-240V 63A IEC 309 P+N+G40K9617 1ph 230V-240V 32A AUS/NZ 311240K9618 1ph 220V 30A KSC 830540K9611 3ph Y 380V-415V 32A (32A/ph) IEC 3093P+N+G47C2495 3ph Y 380V-415V 16A (16A/ph) IEC 3093P+N+G