®SG24-8208-00 ISBN 0738439746INTERNATIONALTECHNICALSUPPORTORGANIZATIONBUILDING TECHNICALINFORMATION BASED ONPRACTICAL EXPERIENCEIBM Redbooks are developedby the IBM InternationalTechnical SupportOrganization. Experts fromIBM, Customers and Partnersfrom around the world createtimely technical informationbased on realistic scenarios.Specific recommendationsare provided to help youimplement IT solutions moreeffectively in yourenvironment.For more information:ibm.com/redbooks®IBM System x3850 X6 andx3950 X6 Planning andImplementation GuideCovers the sixthgeneration EnterpriseX-ArchitectureserversProvides technicalinformation about allserver featuresExplains whatplanning you need todoThe increasing demand for cloud computing and business analyticalworkloads by enterprises to meet business needs drives innovation tofind new ways to build informational systems. Clients are looking for ITsolutions that manage large amounts of data, easily scaleperformance, and provide reliable real-time access to actionableinformation.Built on decades of innovation, IBM introduces its sixth generation ofIBM Enterprise X-Architecture technology, IBM X6 servers. IBM X6servers are designed to be fast, agile, and resilient: Fast application performance means immediate access toactionable information. Agile system design helps to reduce acquisition costs and providethe ability to host multiple generations of technology in a singleserver. Resilient platforms maximize application uptime and promote easyintegration in virtual environments.This IBM Redbooks publication covers product information as well asplanning and implementation information. In the first few chapters, weprovide detailed technical information about the four-socket x3850 X6and eight-socket x3950 X6. This information is most useful indesigning, configuring, and planning to order a server solution. In thelater chapters of the book, we provide detailed configuration and setupinformation to get your server operational.This book is aimed at clients, IBM Business Partners, and IBMemployees that want to understand the features and capabilities of theIBM X6 portfolio of servers and want to learn how to install andconfigure the servers for use in production.Back cover