General FRU/ActionDiskette drivein-use lightstays on, orthe systembypasses thediskette drive,or the diskettedrive does notwork.1. If there is a diskette in the drive, verifythat:a. The diskette drive is enabled in theConfiguration/Setup utility program.b. The diskette is good and not damaged.(Try another diskette if you have one.)c. The diskette is inserted correctly in thedrive.d. The diskette contains the necessaryfiles to start the server.e. The software program is OK.f. Cable is installed correctly (properorientation)2. Run Diskette Drive Diagnostics.3. Cable4. Diskette Drive5. System BoardMonitorproblems(general). SomeIBM monitorshave their ownself-tests. If yoususpect aproblem with themonitor, refer tothe informationthat comes withthe monitor foradjusting andtestinginstructions.1. Monitor2. Run Video Diagnostics. If diagnostics pass,the problem may be a video driver.3. Display Adapter / System BoardSystem Errorand DIMM XLED on1. Replace DIMM XSystem Errorand CPU XLED on1. Replace CPU XSetup ActionNetfinity Setupand InstallationCD won’t start.v Be sure the server is supported; all Netfinityservers with a startable (bootable) CD-ROMdrive are supported.v If the startup (boot) sequence settings havebeen altered, be sure the CD-ROM is first inthe boot sequence.v If more than one CD-ROM drive is installed,be sure that only one drive is set as theprimary drive. Start the CD from the primarydrive.108 Hardware Maintenance Manual: xSeries 200