12 Programming | IDS X Series Training V2.3Location DefinitionsA location is an area of memory that holds a value. Each location is associated to a function that the alarmneeds to operate correctly. These locations have options, other locations or different data that can beentered, to allow for customisation depending on the property being protected and on the monitoringcompany.1. Standard LocationA standard location is an area of memory that holds a value only.2. Extended LocationAn extended location is a location that has multiple sub-locations within it.3. BitmapA bitmapped location is a location that has more than one option in it and each option needs to beenabled or disabled depending on the requirements.Programming Standard LocationsA standard location is an area of memory that holds a value only.To program a standard location:1. Enter Installer mode [#] [9] [9] [9] [9] [*] (This step is only required if you are not already in installermode)2. Then press the keys that represent the location number followed by the [*] key3. Now enter the data value that needs to be in the location followed by the [*] key4. You can enter the next location or press the [#] key to exit Installer modeProgramming Extended LocationsSub-location MethodThe sub-location method programs each sub-location within a location individually.Entering data in the sub-location format:1. Enter Installer mode [#] [9][9][9][9] [*] (This step is only required if you are not already in installer mode)2. Then press the keys that represententer the location number followed by the [*] key3. Then press the keys that represententer the sub-location number followed by the [*] key4. Now enter the data value that needs to be in the location followed by the [*] key5. You can enter the next sub-location or press the [#] key to exit the location6. You can enter the next location or press the [#] key to exit Installer modeString MethodThe string method programs all sub-locations within a location at once.Entering data in the string format:1. Enter the location (E.g. [1] [*] )2. Now enter the complete string of data (E.g. [0][1] [0][2] [0][4] [0][4] [0][4] [1][0] [0]5] [0][3] [*])3. When the [*] key is pressed at the end of the string, you will be removed out of the location and thedata saved. If there is an error you will hear 3 error beeps, and will remain in the location to re-enterthe data.