KINO-CVR-D25502/N26002P a g e 108NOTE:The setup procedures described below are for Microsoft Windowsoperating system users. For Linux, most of the setup procedures arethe same except for several steps described in Section B.3.B.2.1 Ha rdwa re a n d BIOS S e tu pS te p 1: Make sure the system is powered off and unplugged.S te p 2: Install a hard drive or SSD in the system. An unformatted and unpartitioned diskis recommended.S te p 3: Connect an optical disk drive to the system and insert the recovery CD.S te p 4: Turn on the system.S te p 5: Press the <DELETE> key as soon as the system is turned on to enter the BIOS.S te p 6: Select the connected optical disk drive as the 1 st boot device. (Boot BootDevice Priority 1st Boot Device).S te p 7: Save changes and restart the computer. Continue to the next section forinstructions on partitioning the internal storage.Step0:B.2.2 Cre a te P a rtitio n sTo create the system backup, the main storage device must be split into two partitions(three partitions for Linux). The first partition will be for the operating system, while thesecond partition will be invisible to the operating system and contain the backup made bythe one key recovery software.S te p 1: Put the recovery CD in the optical drive of the system.S te p 2: Boot the system from recovery CD. When prompted, press any key to bootfrom the recovery CD. It will take a while to launch the recovery tool. Please bepatient!