KINO-CVR-D25502/N26002P a g e 124Aptio Setup Utility – Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.AdvancediEi FeatureAuto Recovery Function [Disabled]Micro SD Card [Enabled]Auto Recovery FunctionReboot and recoversystem automaticallywithin 10 min, when OScrashes. Please installAuto Recovery APIservice before enablingthis function.---------------------: Select Screen↑ ↓: Select ItemEnter Select+/-: Change Opt.F1: General HelpF2: Previous ValuesF3: Optimized DefaultsF4: Save & ExitESC: ExitVersion 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.BIOS Menu 22: IEI FeatureS te p 12: Save changes and restart the system. If the system encounters a Blue Screen ofDeath (BSoD) or a hang for around 10 minutes, it will automatically restore fromthe factory default image. S te p 0:CAUTION:The auto recovery function can only apply on a Microsoft Windowssystem running the following OS versions: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7B.4 S e tu p P ro c e d u re fo r Lin u xThe initial setup procedure for Linux system is mostly the same with the procedure forMicrosoft Windows. Please follow the steps below to setup recovery tool for Linux OS.