234 PANEL DESCRIPTION Multi-function receiver screen (Continued)!2TUNING DIAL (p. ??)Click to set the receive frequency with the selected tuningstep.• Right-click to increase the frequency.• Left-click to decrease the frequency.!3 DUPLEX BUTTON [DUP] (p. ??)➥ Right-click to display the offset frequency setting screen.➥ Left-click to set the duplex direction from OFF (noindication), DUP –, and DUP +.!4TUNING STEP UP/DOWN BUTTONS [Y]/[Z] (p. ??)➥ Right-click to display the tuning step setting screen.➥ Left-click to select the tuning steps in order.!5 IF-SHIFT CONTROL (p. ??)Click to set a signal passband position.• Right-click to increase the signal passband position.• Left-click to decrease the signal passband position.!6 CENTER KEY [CENTER] (p. ??)After moving a signal passband position with clicking theIF-shift control, click to return to the center position.!7IF FILTER BUTTONS [WIDE]/[NAR] (p. ??)Click to change the IF filter in use.• Click [WIDE] to select a wide filter.• Click [NAR] to select a narrow filter.*Usable IF filter is according to the receive mode.!8PROGRAMMED SCAN BUTTON [PROG] (p. ??)Click to start/stop a programmed scan.• “PROG Scan” blinks during scanning.!9AUTO MEMORY WRITE SCAN BUTTON [AUTO] (p. ??)Click to start/stop an auto memory write scan.• “AUTO Scan” blinks during scanning.@0MEMORY SCAN BUTTON [MEMO] (p. ??)Click to start/stop a memory scan.• “MEMO Scan” blinks during scanning.@1TONE SCAN BUTTON [T-SCAN] (p. ??)Click to start/stop a tone scan.• “TONE Scan” blinks during scanning.@2PRIORITY SCAN BUTTON [PRIO] (p. ??)Click to start/stop a priority scan.• “PRIO Scan” blinks during scanning.@3WEATHER ALERT BUTTON [WX] (p. ??)Push to start the weather alert function.@3SCAN PAUSE BUTTON [PAUSE] (p. ??)Push to pause/resume a scan.• “Pause” blinks during scan is pausing.@4SCAN STOP BUTTON [STOP] (p. ??)Push to cancel a scan operation.@5 SWEEP STOP BUTTON [] (p. ??)Click to stop a band scope function.@6 SWEEP START BUTTON [≈≈] (p. ??)Click to start the band scope function which is used toobserve signal conditions around the receive frequency.