284PANEL DESCRIPTION12345678910111213141516!1 FREQUENCY SPAN INDICATOR (p. ??)Indicates the frequency span selected with the [SPAN Y]or [SPAN Z] button.!2 CENTER FREQUENCY INDICATOR (p. ??)Indicates the center frequency of the frequency span; thisis for the currently received frequency.!3 SWEEP STEP INDICATOR (p. ??)Indicates band scope sweep step.!4 AFC INDICATOR [AFC] (p. ??)Appears when the AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)function is ON.!5 ATTENUATOR INDICATOR [ATT] (p. ??)Appears when the ATT (Attenuator) function is ON.!6 CTCSS/DTCS INDICATOR [CTCSS]/[DTCS] (p. ??)➥ “CTCSS” appears when the tone squelch frequency is set.➥ “DTCS” appears when DTCS code and the polarity are set.!7 VSC INDICATOR [VSC] (p. ??)Appears when the VSC (Voice Scan Control) function is ON.!8 NB INDICATOR [NB] (p. ??)Appears when the NB (Noise Blanker) function is ON.!9 AGC INDICATOR [AGC] (p. ??)Appears when the AGC (Automatic Gain Control) functionis ON.@1 IF FILTER INDICATOR (p. ??)Indicates the selected IF filter.@2 RECEIVE MODE INDICATORS (p. ??)Indicate the current receive mode.• “WFM” lights in red when receiving a stereo broadcast program.@1 MUTE INDICATOR (p. ??)Appears when the squelch circuit mute the received audiosignal.@1 MONI INDICATOR (p. ??)Appears during monitoring the operating frequency.@0 FREQUENCY/TIME INDICATOR [FREQUENCY]/[TIME](p. ??)➥ “FREQUENCY” appears when the receiving signalrelative to signal strength is displayed.➥ “TIME” appears when the receiving signal condition onthat time is displayed.@3 S (SIGNAL) METER (pgs. ??, ??)Indicates the receive signal strength. Also indicates theS-meter squelch receive level set via the [SQUELCH] con-trol.@4 BUSY INDICATOR [BUSY]Appears when receiving a signal or when signal noiseopens the squelch.@5 MEMORY BANK INDICATOR (p. ??)Indicates the memory bank number (and name if it is set)being received.@6 MEMORY CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. ??)Indicates the memory channel number (and name if it isset) being received.• The name darkens when the receive frequency changes fromthe stored one.