246SCANSD Programmed scanD Auto memory write scanProgrammed scan (and auto memory write scan)searches for signals within a specified frequencyrange, using the selected tuning step increments. Theresult is like an ‘automatic’ rotating of the main dial.Preparation—setting the scan range:Push and hold [PROG] to enter the ‘prog’ bank, theninput the desired edge frequencies, mode and tun-ing steps. Refer to p. 27 for details.Start/stop:q Set the [SQUELCH] control to the threshold point.w Push [PROG] to start the scan.• “PROG” (and scan range number) appears in the bankname area.e Push [PROG] again to stop the scan.✔ Convenient:Direct range selection—The desired programmedscan range can be selected using the keypad.➪ Push a numeral key before or after pushing the[PROG] key.Skip scan release—Programmed scan skips allfrequencies specified as skip channels in all 1000channels.Auto memory write scan operates in the same wayas programmed scan. However, when a signal isreceived, the received frequency is automaticallywritten into a memory channel in the auto write bank.Preparation—written memories condition:Push and hold [AUTO] to enter the written memorysetting condition, then rotate the main dial to selectthe condition.: Previously written memoriesin the ‘Auto’ bank are saved, then frequencies arewritten into the next available channels.: Previously written mem-ories in the ‘Auto’ bank are cleared, then frequenciesare written into channels, starting from channel 0.Start/stop:q Set the [SQUELCH] control to the threshold point.w Push [AUTO] momentarily or for 1 sec. to startthe scan.• CAUTION: Be sure the written memories condition isset as desired, otherwise previously written memoriesare cleared.• “AUTO” (and scan range number) appear in the bankname area.e Push [AUTO] again to stop the scan.✔ Convenient:The same convenient functions are available asdescribed above.Programmed edgesPush [ PROG ]FMkHzPROG0 *NONAME*PROG appearsOFF DLYAUTO bank01234•••98991234.567.001235.678.001235.890.001240.050.00------------------------------Push [ AUTO ]FMkHzAUTO0 *NONAME*AUTO appearsOFF DLYAUTO STARTAUTO CL&START