13TROUBLESHOOTING40The following chart is designed to help you correctproblems which are not equipment malfunctions. Ifyou are unable to locate the cause of a problem orsolve it through the use of this chart, contact yournearest Icom Dealer or Service Center.POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.POWER• DC power cable is improperly con-nected.• A fuse is blown.• During AC adapter operation, thejumper connector is not in use.• External 12 V DC is connected to the[DC IN] jack.• Reconnect the DC power cable se-curely.• Check for the cause, then replace thefuse with a spare one.• Connect the jumper connector to the[DC13.8V] jack on the receiver’s rear panel.• Connect the external power source tothe [DC13.8V] jack. The [DC IN] jack ac-cepts an AC adapter (AD-55/A/S/V) only.p. 8p. 37p. 8p. 8RECEIVE FUNCTIONS• Volume level is too low.• The squelch is closed.• An external speaker or headphones areconnected.• CW narrow mode is selected when nooptional lter is installed.• Rotate [AF GAIN] clockwise to obtain asuitable listening level.• Rotate [SQUELCH] counterclockwise toopen the squelch.• Disconnect the external speaker orheadphones.• Select another mode or install the op-tional CW narrow lter.—p. 14—pgs.13, 38• The coaxial cable is cut.• No antenna is connected.• The connected antenna is not matchedto the receive frequency.• Wrong antenna connector is used forV/UHF and HF antenna.• Wrong antenna connector is selected inset mode for HF antenna.• An RF attenuator is activated.• Fix the coaxial cable.• Connect an antenna.• Connect an antenna matched to the re-ceiving frequency.• Check the antenna connection.• Select the proper antenna connector:SO-239 or phono (RCA).• Push [ATT 10 dB] or [ATT 20 dB] to can-cel the function.—p. 8p. 8p. 8p. 31—• [IF SHIFT] is rotated too far CCW orCW.• [APF] is rotated too far CCW or CW.• The wrong mode switch is pushed.• Set [IF SHIFT] to the center position.• Set the [APF] control to the center positionor push the [APF] switch to turn it OFF.• Push the correct mode switch.p. 14p. 15p. 13• The operating frequency is lower than30 MHz. (WFM mode cannot be se-lected below 30 MHz.)• Set the frequency above 30 MHz whenin WFM mode.p. 13FRONT PANEL CONTROL • The lock function is activated. • Push [LOCK] for 1 sec. to deactivate. p. 12• DIAL LOCK is selected in quick setmode.• Select PANEL LOCK in quick setmode.p. 31PROBLEMPower does not turnON when [POWER] ispushed in.No sound comes fromthe speaker.Sensitivity is low.Receive signal is un-clear or distorted.WFM mode cannot beset.Main dial does not func-tion.[LOCK] does not lockthe keypad, functionswitches, etc.• The memory channel was changed be-fore writing into memory.• Push [MW] for 1 sec. to write into amemory before changing channels.p. 19The selected frequencyis erased.• An optional UT-102 VOICE SYNTHESIZERUNIT is not installed.• Install the UT-102. p. 38The frequency is notannounced when push-ing [SPCH].• The sleep timer has been activated. • Turn power back ON, then push[SLEEP] one or more times to turn thesleep timer function OFF, if desired.p. 29Receiver turns OFF byitself.