41PANEL DESCRIPTION[SKIP] (p. 25)➥ Push momentarily to toggle the skip function ONand OFF for any scan.• Automatic skip activation is available with the [MEMO]switch.➥ Push for 1 sec. to set the memory channel as askip channel.[AUTO] (p. 24)➥ Push momentarily to start/stop auto write scan.➥ Push for 1 sec. to select the written memoriescondition for the auto write scan.• Two conditions are available, clear auto-writtenmemories before scan starts; and, keep auto writtenmemories before scan start.[VSC] (p. 26)Push to toggle the voice scan control function ONand OFF.• The VSC function resumes the scan when a detected sig-nal does not contain voice components.• “VSC” appears while the voice scan control function isactivated.[PRIO] (p. 25)➥ Push momentarily to start/stop priority scan.• Priority scan can be used in combination with otherscans.➥ Push for 1 sec. to enter the priority channel pro-gramming condition.[DLY ] (p. 27)➥ Push momentarily to select a scan resume con-dition.➧ “OFF” is underscored: scan pauses on a signal until itdisappears, then resumes 3 sec. after that.➧ “DLY” is underscored: scan resumes according tothe [DELAY/SPEED] control setting. When a signaldisappears, scan resumes 3 sec. later.➧ “∞” is underscored: scan is cancelled when receivinga signal.➥ Push for 1 sec. to enter the delay time/scanspeed setting condition.• The function of the [DELAY/SPEED] control can beselected.@8 KEYPADThe keypad can be used for several functions as below:• Keypad then [ENT] (then [MW])— Direct frequency input.• Keypad then [M-CH]— Memory channel selection.• [CE • NAME] then keypad— Alphanumeric input for memory, bank names, etc.• Keypad then [TSY] or [TSZ]— Arbitrary tuning step setting.• Keypad then [MEMO] or [SEL]— Specify memory bank then start memory scan or se-lect memory scan.• Keypad then [PROG] or [AUTO]— Specify scan edge group, then start programmedscan or auto write scan.MEMOSEL SKIP VSC DLYSCAN/NAMESCAN SETPROG AUTO PRIOM-SET BANKM-CL MWDELAY/SPEEDM-CHD/S1 QZGHIPRS TUV WXYENTBANKBANKJKL MNOABC DEF . ; ,47 80 CEENTM-CH.95 62 3@2 @3@1 @4 @5 @6@7@8SEL-CH SKIP-CHOFFkHzDLYMIC-R8500