61PANEL DESCRIPTION■ Function displayq REMOTE INDICATOR (p. 35)Appears when a level control command is received from aPC via CI-V data.• When this indicator appears, the control knob’s settingis ignored.• This indicator will disappear when the control knob is rotated.w MODE INDICATORS (p. 13)Show the operating mode.e FREQUENCY READOUTShows the operating frequency.r SKIP INDICATOR (p. 25)➥ Appears when the skip function is activated.➥ Flashes during scan when the skip function isactivated by the auto skip function.t VSC INDICATOR (p. 26)Appears when the voice scan control function isactivated.y SCAN RESUME CONDITION INDICATORS (p. 27)Show the selected scan resume condition.u TUNING STEP INDICATORS (p. 12)Show the selected tuning step.• “ P ” appears when a programmable tuning step is selected.i TEMPORARY MEMORY INDICATOR (p. 19)➥ Appears when [M-SET] is pushed to indicatethat a frequency is being temporarily saved.➥ Disappears when the temporary memory ispasted into another memory channel.o MEMORY CHANNEL READOUT (p. 17)Shows the selected memory channel number.!0 SKIP CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. 25)Appears when the selected memory channel is setas a skip channel.!1 MEMORY NAME INDICATORS (p. 20)Display names programmed into a memory, or scangroup.!2 SELECT CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. 23)Appears when the selected memory channel is setas a select channel.!3 BANK NUMBER INDICATOR (p. 17)Shows the selected memory bank number.!4 BANK INDICATOR (p. 18)➥ Appears when the bank limit function is activated.➥ Flashes during scan when the bank limit func-tion is activated by the auto bank function.!5 BANK NAME INDICATOR (p. 20)Displays names programmed into a bank.!6 AUDIO PEAK FILTER INDICATOR (p. 15)“APF” or “APF-N” appears when the audio peak fil-ter function is activated.!7 ATTENUATOR INDICATORSAppear when the RF attenuator is activated.!8 AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL INDICATOR (p. 15)AGC-F appears when AGC fast is selected; no indi-cation appears when AGC slow is selected.!9 RECEIVE INDICATORAppears while receiving.@0 FM CENTER INDICATORS (p. 14)Appear when the received signal is not tuned to itscenter frequency.@1 NOISE BLANKER INDICATOR (p. 15)Appears when the noise blanker circuit is activated.@2 AFC INDICATOR (p. 14)Appears when the automatic frequency controlfunction is activated in either FM or WFM modes.@3 LOCK INDICATOR (p. 12)Appears when the main dial or front panel switchesare locked.@4 SLEEP INDICATOR (p. 29)Appears when the sleep timer is set.REMOTE WFMRECVAMUSBLSBCWBANK10-ATT-20APF-NAGC-FAFCNB SEL-CH SKIP-CHWIDE NAR SKIP VSC OFFMHz kHzDLYSLEEPLOCKMPq w e r t yuio!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9@0 @0@1@2@3@4