JBL escXcite Simple Setup Manual
Also see for escXcite: Owner's manual
ENGLISH-10-4. InputThis control is available on boththe front panel and the remotecontrol. It allows manual selec-tion when the user repeatedlypresses and releases the buttonfor any of theescXcite’s four inputs. TheescXcite features an AutomaticDigital Input Selection featurethat automatically switches theescXcite to the source con-nected to one of its twodigital inputs as soon as thatdevice is powered on. Pleaseread the section on page 3 tothoroughly familiarize yourselfwith the conveniences and con-ditions of using the AutomaticDigital Input Selection feature.The Input switch is also usedwhen the source connected tothe escXcite’s analog input isnot the analog source that waslistened to the last time theescXcite was on (and hence theAutomatic Turn-On feature isnot available). The Input switchalso turns on the escXcite whenpressed (see item 1 earlier inthis section). Whenever a spe-cific input is selected eithermanually or automatically, itsindicator (14, 15, 16 or 17) onthe escXcite unit’s front panelwill be illuminated.5. Surround ModePressing and releasing this but-ton allows the selection of dif-ferent listening modes. Sur-round (18), Phantom (19),3-Stereo (20) and stereo areavailable listening options forDolby Pro Logic. Stereo (21)bypasses the surround process-ing and outputs sound throughthe right-front and left-frontspeakers only.In Surround mode, all five satel-lites and the subwoofer willplay. In Phantom mode, allspeakers except the centerchannel will play. In 3-Stereo,all speakers except for the twosurround speakers will be active.6. VolumePress (∧) on the remote controlor the front panel to raise thesystem’s volume. Press (∨) onthe remote control or the frontpanel to lower the system’s vol-ume. The volume setting isindicated on the status-barindicator (27).7. 0 dBPress this button to reset theCenter, Surround, Balance, Tre-ble and Bass controls to theirdefault positions.8. TestPress this button to activate theTest Tone mode (see Test Tonesection).9. DelayThe relative timing of soundscoming from the center and/orsurround speakers compared tothe front-left and front-rightspeakers can be adjusted. Thefirst press of the Delay buttonallows adjustments of the sur-round speakers; indicators LS(28) and RS (28) and DLY (30)will be on. The delay can beadjusted from zero (all statusbars off) to 15 ms (all statusbars on) in DTS and Dolby Digi-tal and from 15 ms (all statusbars off) to 30 ms (all statusbars on) in Dolby Pro Logic(there is an inherent and fixed15 ms of delay added in the“matrixed” Dolby Pro Logic tore-create the proper surroundeffect).The second press of this buttonallows adjustment of the centerchannel, all the way from thedefault setting of 0 ms (milli-seconds), which means no delay(all status bars off), to a maxi-mum of 5 ms (5 status bars on).The indicatorsC (28) and DLY (30) will be on.The center and surround adjust-ments can be done in eitherDTS, Dolby Digital or Dolby ProLogic “matrixed” modes. Thereare no separate delay adjust-ments for the individual modesof operation. During adjust-ments, the audio mutes momen-tarily every time the Adjustment+/– button (11) is pressed.Please note that the status-barindicator (27) will not displayunless Adjustment +/– buttonsare pressed. Also, while thestatus-bar indicator (27) is on,channel indicators (28) and DLY(30) will not be displayed. And,if adjustments are done in amode where a certain channel isnot available, the adjustmentstep for that channel is skipped.For example, in Phantom mode,the center-channel delay cannotbe adjusted since Phantom doesnot have a center channel. InStereo, neither the center northe surround delay can beadjusted since Stereo does notfeature surround speakers or acenter speaker. A third press ofthe Delay button will exit theescXcite from its delay-adjust-ment mode.10. LevelThe relative level of soundscoming from each of theescXcite’s speakers can beadjusted while listening to pro-gram material on the escXcite.Repeated pressing and releasingof the Level button allowsaccess to each channel. The dis-play will indicate LVL (29), andthe channel indicators (28) LF(Left Front),C (Center), RF (Right Front),RS (Right Surround), LS (LeftSurround) and SUB (subwoofer)will illuminate to indicate theAll manuals and user guides at all-guides.com |
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