ENGLISH-11-active speaker. The level for theselected channel can then bechanged using the Adjustment+/– buttons (11). Levels set inone mode will stay valid for allother modes and are not inde-pendent. Please note that thestatus-bar indicator (27) willnot display unless Adjustment+/– buttons are pressed. And,while the status-bar indicator(27) is on, channel indicators(28) and LVL (29) will not bedisplayed. Also, if adjustmentsare done in a mode where a cer-tain channel is not available,the adjustment step for thatchannel is skipped. For examp-le, in Phantom mode the center-channel level cannot be ad-justed since Phantom does nothave a center channel. Instereo, neither the center northe surround levels can beadjusted since Stereo does notfeature surround speakers or acenter speaker.A seventh press of the Levelbutton will exit the escXcitefrom its level-adjustment mode.11. AdjustmentThese buttons are used in con-junction with Test (8), Delay(9), and Level (10) to increaseor decrease a setting.12. BassPress (+) to increase the level oflow-frequency information.Press (–) to decrease the levelof low-frequency information.13. TreblePress (+) to increase the level ofhigh-frequency information.Press (–) to decrease the levelof high-frequency information.14–17. InputOne of these four indicators willilluminate, depending on whichinput is selected.18–21. SurroundOne of these will illuminate,depending on which surroundmode is chosen.22. Dolby DigitalIndicates the presence of aDolby Digital-encoded digitalsignal.23. DTSIndicates the presence of DTSencoded digital signal.24. Dolby Pro LogicIlluminates when Dolby ProLogic decoding of a 2-channelsignal is taking place. This indi-cator may be on by itself (whenanalog inputs are used), in con-junction with Dolby Digital(when using a digital inputwhere the Dolby Digital formatsignal contains two channelsand needs to be decoded intomultichannel) or together withPCM (when using a digital inputwhere 2-channel PCM-formatdata is being decoded into mul-tichannel).25. PCMIlluminates when the signalsupplied through the selecteddigital input is in PCM format.26. Late NightIlluminates when the Late Nightcompression is selected.27. Status-Bar IndicatorThese LEDS show the relativesetting of volume, bass, treble,speaker level and speaker delay.28. Speaker IndicatorIdentifies the speaker that’sbeing adjusted. LS is Left Sur-round, LF is Left Front, C is Cen-ter, RF is Right Front, RS isRight Surround, and SUB is Sub-woofer.29. LevelIlluminates when the escXcite isin speaker-level adjustmentmode.30. DelayIlluminates when the escXcite isin speaker-delay adjustmentmode.31. OnIndicates that the escXcite isfully powered up.32. StandbyIndicates that the escXcite isplugged into an active wall out-let and the master switch on theback panel is in On/Standbyposition, but the unit is notpowered on.33. MuteIlluminates when the mutefunction is activated (theescXcite will be on but will notproduce any sound).All manuals and user guides at all-guides.comall-guides.com