ENGLISH-9-BassTrebleDelay Level0 dB TestAdjustmentLate NightPowerMuteSurroundModeInput– +– +– +Volume81011121354973216VolumeSurround ModeInput MuteSTANDBYONSUBLVLDLYRSRFCLFLSAUXPCM3 - St Late NightPhantomDigital ProLogicSurroundDIG. OPT DIG. COAX TV3132332654181615142223 24 2519 21 26 172728 29 3020Remote and Front-Panel Controls and IndicatorsFront PanelRemote Control1. PowerThis button, located only on theremote control, allows the userto manually turn on or off theescXcite. Please note that theescXcite features AutomaticTurn-On/Off, and the powerswitch is not normally usedunless it is necessary to overridethis automatic feature, or incase the analog input to be usedis not the last one that was usedand so Automatic Turn-On is notavailable for that input. Pleaseread the details regarding Auto-matic Turn-On/Off on page 3 ofthis manual, and keep in mindthat the escXcite automaticturn-on feature will be disabledfor five minutes if the escXcite isshut down manually.The escXcite can also be poweredon by using the Input button (4)on the front panel of the sub-woofer or on the remote control.Please note that if input selec-tion is done by pressing theInput button, the AutomaticDigital Input Selection of theescXcite will be disabled untilthe escXcite shuts down.When the escXcite is pluggedinto a working electrical outletand its master switch on theback panel is set to On/Standby,the Standby (32) indicator willilluminate. The ON (31) indicatorwill light as soon as the escXciteis turned on either automaticallyor via the pressing of the Poweror Input buttons.2. MuteFrom either the front panel orthe remote control, press (Mute)to lower the volume completely.The mute symbol indicator (33)will illuminate. When you presseither of the mute buttonsagain, the volume will return toits previous setting.Note: The mute function canalso be turned off by pressingeither of the volume buttons onthe front panel or the remotecontrol.3. Late NightThis feature is available forDolby Digital only. It compressesthe inherently dynamic digitalsound so that the quiet and loudpassages are not quite as differ-ent in sound levels as they ordi-narily are. This feature allowsthe user to watch movies andlisten to dialogue at toned-downlevels so as not to disturb othersby the loud sound effects thatmay be present. The Late Nightindicator (26) illuminates whenthis feature is active.All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com