ENGLISH-5-About Dolby DigitalThe escXcite features Dolby Digi-tal multichannel signal process-ing, a system developed byDolby Laboratories.Dolby Digital, unlike “matrixed”systems (such as Dolby ProLogic) that derive multichannelsound from a two-channelsource, is capable of deliveringinformation for one subwooferand five full-range channels asdiscrete and individual channelsin digital AC-3 data format fromsources such as a DVD player.The result is clear and accuratedigital sound to each speaker,along with availability of stereo-surround effects (Dolby ProLogic features mono surrounds).Dolby Digital is capable of deliv-ering several different formatsof surround sound, the mostrobust one being the 5.1-chan-nel mode, which provides sepa-rate signals for five satellitespeakers as well as for a sub-woofer. The escXcite features a“5.1-Ch” indicator that illumi-nates when a Dolby Digital 5.1-channel encoded signal is pre-sent. Dolby Digital can also pro-vide other AC-3 digital multi-channel signals, as well as 2-channel signals, which can bedecoded via Dolby Pro Logicprocessing into multichannelsurround sound.About DTSDIGITAL SURROUNDTHE FINEST 5 .1 SURROUNDSOUND TECHNOLOGY ON THEMARKET TODAY!An amazing new technology forsurround-sound entertainment,DTS Digital Surround is anencode/decode system thatdelivers six channels (5.1) ofmaster-quality, 20-bit audio.In the encoding process, theDTS algorithm encrypts sixchannels of 20-bit digital audioimformation in the spacepreviously allotted for only twochannels of 16-bit linear PCM.Then during playback, the DTSdecoder reconstructs theoriginal six channels of 20-bitdigital audio.Each of these six channels isaudibly superior to the 16-bitlinear PCM audio found on con-ventional compact discs.• Wall-mount brackets.• Floor stands available sepa-rately for the satellites.• Credit-card-type, full-function remote control.• JBL “error-free” speakercables simplify connectionand eliminate possibility ofout-of-phase wiring.• Center foot for horizontalplacement of the centerchannel.All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com