3. Using hex head driver, turn the front adjustmentscrews (A) on each side to raise or lower the frontof the refrigerator.Door and Drawer RemovalSome installations require door/drawer removal totransport the refrigerator to its final location.C C4. Using the hex head driver, turn each of theseadjustment screws (B) to raise or lower the rear ofthe refrigerator.5. Using the carpenter's level, make sure front ofrefrigerator is '/4" (6 ram) or '/2" bubble higher thanback of refrigerator and that the refrigerator is levelfrom side to side.6. Turn stabilizing legs (C) clockwise until firmlyagainst floor.7. Turn adjustment screws (A) counterclockwise toallow the full weight of the refrigerator to rest onthe stabilizing legs.8. Replace hinge cover(s).• Position cover into the outer edge of the hinge.• Swing the cover toward the cabinet and snap itinto place.9. Replace the toe grille.Note• For proper reinstallation, ensure the "top" markingon the interior of the toe grille is oriented correctly.• Align the toe grille mounting clips with the lowercabinet slots.• Push the toe grille firmly until it snaps into place..2....6..Unplug power cord from power source.Remove toe grille and bottom hingecover(s) (see page 3).Remove top hinge cover fromrefrigerator door by removing Phillipsscrew and retain screw and cover forlater use.Unscrew 5/,6"hex head screws fromtop hinge to remove hinge and retain ._._all screws for later use.Lift refrigerator door from centerhinge pin.Remove plastic sleeve, if present.Remove center hinge pin with a 5/,,, hexhead driver. Retain hinge pin andplastic sleeve for later use.Remove Phillips screws to removecenter hinge and retain all screws forlater use.8. Remove bottom hinge or stabilizingbracket with _/;' hex head driver andretain screws for later use. Lift outbottom hinge pin (on freezer doormodels).9. See page 5 for drawer removalinstructions.