12Chapter 3 XLT ® Quick StartPinpointing the TargetOnce the decision has been made to dig, move theloop off to one side of the target area, squeeze andhold the TRIGGER on the handle, and "X" the loopover the spot where you believe the target to be.Note that the TRIGGER also has a locked forwardposition that accomplishes the same thing assqueezing and holding it.While the TRIGGER is being held, the loop doesn'tneed to be moving to detect the target. The loopmay be moved slowly over the area. The displaywill indicate depth in inches and will also show thestrongest reading to aid in pinpointing exactlywhere to dig. The shallowest reading on the depthdisplay, the loudest sound coming from the speaker,and the two bars lining up with each other, indicatethe center of the target. Don't forget to "X" thetarget as pinpointing cannot be accurate unless thetarget is swept from at least two different directions.Once pinpointing is complete, release the TRIG-GER, or return it to the center position.Pinpointing takes practice. The standard loopprovided with the Spectrum ® is a high-powered, 9.5inch design. This loop's strongest traits are in thedetection depth and ground coverage areas. Ifpinpointing becomes difficult or critical, an optionalsmaller loop is suggested. The smaller loops haveadvantages in high trash areas and pinpointing, butwill not detect as deep as the standard 9.5 inch size.10.5"+ - 1 2 - + - + - 9 - + - + - 6 - + - + - 3 - + - + - 0+ - 1 2 - + - + - 9 - + - + - 6 - + - + - 3 - + - + - 0DEPTH SCREENDISPLAYED WHENTHE TRIGGERIS SQUEEZEDSQUEEZE TRIGGERAdvanced Pinpointing Techniques1. Targets that are near the surface, becausethey give a wider response, are harder topinpoint than deep targets. If the trigger is heldand the loop swept over the area, you may notea shallow depth indication. Lifting the loopslightly above the ground, releasing and re-squeezing the TRIGGER and again "X" ing thetarget will aid pinpointing.2. In the Basic Adjustments, DC Sensitivity(non-motion) directly controls the pinpointingmode. Lower DC Sensitivity settings pinpointshallow targets better.3. In the PRO OPTIONS under AUDIO, V.C.O.(Voltage Controlled Oscillator) significantly aidspinpointing.4. The depth reading has two indication bars.The top bar shows the current distance fromthe target, and the bottom bar shows a memoryof the strongest reading. These two bars will beeven with each other when the loop is directlyover the center of the target."X" THE LOOP TO "PINPOINT"THE TARGET