46Chapter 5 XLT® Pro Options7FADE RATEMIN MAX(Display section)26. FadeClears or fades non-current SignaGraph™ informa-tion (bars).FADE allows past information to automaticallyclear or fade from the SignaGraph™. Without Fade,or with too slow of a FADE rate, the SignaGraph™will fill with information that is no longer valid asyou sweep through a search area.A minimum setting of 0 equals no fade at all. TheSignaGraph™ information will continue to appearuntil the trigger is squeezed and released. A maxi-mum setting of 14 selects a very quick fade rate.The SignaGraph™ information will automaticallyclear from the graph quickly. Ideally, a Fade Rateshould be selected that allows time to adequatelyview the SignaGraph™ information yet still clearthe graph in a timely manner.Tips - Recommendedfor all but the SINGLESWEEP mode. Adjustthe rate of FADing sothat you have time toview the SignGraph™prior to it resetting.However, do not set itso slow as to show non-current information.