27Chapter 5 XLT® Pro Options1. Ratchet PinpointingPinpointing feature, automatically de-tunes foreasy target-center locating.ON - Automatically aids in pinpointing. When theTRIGGER is squeezed and held for pinpointing,RATCHET PINPOINTING will shrink the size ofthe signal as the loop is passed over the target areaseveral times. The signal will not fade completelyunless the loop is moved too far away from thetarget center.OFF - When OFF, the signal will remain originalsize giving some indication of its size and shape.Manual shrinking is completed by squeezing andreleasing the TRIGGER several times as the loop ispassed over the target. Manual shrinking cancompletely eliminate the target. If the target nolonger responds after manual shrinking, move theloop away from the target, squeeze and release theTRIGGER, and again sweep the loop over the area.If the target is a metal, it should again respond.RATCHET PINPOINTINGONOFFTO CHANGE PRESS ENTERTips - Use the ONsetting until experiencedat pinpointing.(Audio section)