49Chapter 5 XLT® Pro Options2PREAMP GAINMIN MAX(Signal, Transmit, Receive))29. Preamp GainSelects the intensity of the signal received from theloop.PREAMP GAIN (called Signal Balance on somemodels) is used to promote stability and perfor-mance. Like a sensitivity control, too muchPREAMP GAIN will result in unstable operationand unreliable indications. Unlike a sensitivitycontrol, PREAMP GAIN will have a substantialeffect on OVERLOAD.For maximum detection depth, fine tune thePREAMP GAIN to the highest number settingwithout causing OVERLOAD, and/or unstableoperation. More adjustment levels (range) areavailable than what may be usable. You may neverencounter an area where maximum PREAMPGAIN can be used. Electrical interference maymake it difficult to receive an Air Balance at highPREAMP GAIN settings.Selections such as MIXED MODE or AUDIODISC OFF may not allow as high a PREAMPGAIN level as other selections. This is normal assome of these modes naturally see more targets andground, and they may still provide superior perfor-mance and depth even with the lower PREAMPGAIN selection.If TRANSMIT BOOST OFF has been selected, it isparticularly advisable to fine tune PREAMP GAIN.Every time the PREAMP GAIN level is changed,the detector needs to be re-ground balanced. Oncein an operating mode, simply press ENTER to re-ground balance.Tips - Higher levelsincrease detection depth.However, the detectormust be stable to be ableto recognize a target.OVERLOAD should notappear on the displaywhen only ground miner-als are present.