40Chapter 5 XLT® Pro Options18. Recovery SpeedSpeeds target responses, so several targets that areclose together can each respond.When a metal is detected, it takes a fraction of asecond for the detector to process the signal beforeit can respond to another metal target nearby. Thetime it takes to process the first metal target signalso that the second metal target signal can respondis called RECOVERY SPEED.There are advantages and disadvantages to fast(high numbers) and slow (low numbers) RECOV-ERY SPEEDS. Faster RECOVERY SPEEDs workwell in high trash areas. However, they will havesome difficulties with very deep targets as well asdouble responses on shallow targets. SlowerRECOVERY SPEEDs do not work very well inhigh trash areas. However, they will have betterresponses on very deep targets. Slower speeds alsohave more definitive discrimination sounds. Acustom setting needs to be found that suits thepreferences of the individual and the conditions inthe area. As a general rule, the closer together themetal targets are in an area, the faster the recoveryspeed should be. The more spacing between tar-gets, the slower the speed should be. Don't use thefast speed if you don't need to.In very trashy areas it is recommended to switch toa loop smaller in size than the standard 9.5 inchblack loop. Smaller loops offer better separationbetween targets. However, larger loops detectdeeper and cover more area with each pass. RE-COVERY SPEED combined with a smaller loopcan be used to search severely trashy areas.20RECOVERY SPEEDMIN MAX(Discrimination section)Tips - Use faster speeds(higher numbers) for trashyareas, slower speeds(lower numbers) for lowtrash areas and/or im-proved discrimination.