48Chapter 5 XLT ® Pro Options4TRANSMIT FREQUENCYMIN MAX(Signal, Transmit, Receive))28. Transmit FrequencyAlters the normal operating frequency (6592.5 Hz)to avoid interference from other metal detectorsoperating close by. Operating frequency is thefrequency the detector transmits and receives itssignal.Lower numbers equallower frequencies, 1 = 6027.5 Hz2 = 6204.7 Hz3 = 6392.7 Hz4 = 6592.5 HzHigher numbers equalhigher operating 5 = 6805.2 Hzfrequencies,6 = 7032.0 Hz7 = 7274.5 HzOther metal detectors operating at the same fre-quency will cause interference. By shifting to adifferent frequency such interference can beavoided from detectors operating nearby.The best performance will be achieved at thestandard number "4" setting. If however, youcannot search due to interference from other detec-tors, use an alternate frequency.Remember that once the trigger is squeezed andreleased to return to a search mode, the last optionused can be accessed by pressing either of the arrowcontrols. This ARROW RETURN feature can beused to handily change TRANSMIT FREQUEN-CIES during a competition hunt.Tips - Use level number"4" (6592.5 Hz) unlessinterference results fromother detectors. Moveaway from level "4" onlyfar enough to preventsuch interference.