Kenwood CS-1044 Instruction Manual
Also see for CS-1025: Service manual
(fj) GND terminal/binding post.Earth and chassis ground.@ CALProvides approximately 1 kHz, 1 Volt peak-to-peaksquare wave signal. This is useful for probe compensa-tion adjustment.@ TRACE ROTATIONElectrically rotates trace to horizontal position.Strong magnetic fields may cause the trace to betilted.The degree of tilt may vary as the scope is moved fromone location to another. In these cases, adjust thiscontrol.(g) FOCUSAdjusts the trace for optimum focus.(§) INTENSITY/PULL ASTIGINTENSITY:Clockwise rotation of this control increases thebrightness of the trace.ASTIG:Astigmatism adjustment provides optimum spotroundness when used in conjunction w i t h FOCUS andINTENSITY controls. Very little readjustment of thiscontrol is required after initial adjustment.(0) EXT TRIG INPUT JackInput terminal for external trigger signal.When SOURCE switch is selected in EXT position, theinput signal at the EXT TRIG INPUT jack becomes thet r i g g e r .(§) LEVEL/PULL SLOPE { - )LEVEL: Trigger level adjustment determines pointon waveform where sweep starts.When COUPLING switch is selected inTV-FRAME or LINE, the trigger level ad-justment has no effect.SLOPE: + equals most positive point of triggeringand —equals most negative point of trig-gering. Push-pull switch selects positiveor negative slope.Sweep is triggered on negative-goingslope of sync waveform with switch pull-ed out.@ COUPLINGSelects coupling for sync trigger signal.AC: Trigger is ac coupled. Blocks dc compo-nent of input signal; most commonly us-ed position.HF REJ: Trigger is routed through low-pass filterbefore it is coupled in trigger circuit.Stable triggering is provided for low-frequency component because high-frequency component is attenuated (forthe CS-1044 only).TVFRAME: Vertical sync pulses of a composite videosignal are selected for triggering.TVLINE: Horizontal sync pulses of a compositevideo signal are selected for triggering.The LINE position is also used for all non-video waveforms.@> SOURCEFive-position lever switch: selects triggering source forthe sweep, w i t h following positions:VERT MODE:The trigger source is determined by ver-tical MODE selection. (Hereafter VERTMODE is abbreviated to V. MODE.)C H 1 : Channel 1 signal is used as a triggersource.CH2: Channel 2 signal is used as a triggersource.ALT: Display is alternately triggered by chan-nel 1 and channel 2 signal.ADD: The algebraic sum of channel 1 and chan-nel 2 signal is the trigger source. (If CH2INV engaged, the difference becomes thetrigger source.)CHOP: The display cannot be synchronized w i t hthe input signal since the chopping signalbecomes the trigger source.C H 1 : Sweep is triggered by channel 1 signalregardless of vertical MODE selection.CH2: Sweep is triggered by channel 2 signalregardless of vertical MODE selection.LINE: Sweep is triggered by line frequency( 5 0 / 6 0 Hz).EXT: Sweep is triggered by signal applied toEXT TRIG INPUT jack @ .@) TRIG MODESelects triggering mode.AUTO: Triggered sweep operation when triggersignal is present, automatically generatessweep (free runs) in absence of triggersignal.NORM: Normal triggered sweep operation. Notrace is presented when a proper triggersignal is not applied.X-Y: X-Y operation. Channel 1 input signalproduces vertical deflection (Y axis).Channel 2 input signal produces horizon-tal deflection (X axis).This operates regardless vertical MODEselection.SINGLE: Single-sweep mode (for the CS-1044 on-ly).NOTE: For single-sweep dual-trace ope-ration, vertical MODE must not beset to ALT. Use the CHOP modeinstead.RESET: Single-sweep reset mode. When thesingle-sweep is reset, the switch returns |
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