APPLICATIONPROBE C O M P E N S A T I O NTo obtain an accurate measurement result, the probe mustbe adjusted correctly before measurement.1. Connect the probe to the INPUT terminal and set thecontrol for a normal sweep display.2. Connect the probe to the CAL terminal on the frontpanel, and adjust the SWEEP TIME/DIV switch so thatseveral cycles of this signal are displayed.3. Adjust the trimmer on the probe to obtain the followingcorrect compensation waveform.CorrectcompensationOvercompensationInsufficientcompensationFig. 10T R A C E R O T A T I O N C O M P E N S A T I O NRotation from a horizontal trace position can be the causeof measurement errors.Adjust the controls for a single display. Set the AC-GND-DCswitch to GND and TRIG MODE to AUTO. Adjust the %POSITION control such that the trace is over the centerhorizontal graticule line. If the trace appears to be rotatedfrom horizontal, align it w i t h the center graticule line usingthe TRACE ROTATION control located on the front panel.D C V O L T A G E M E A S U R E M E N T SThis procedure describes the measurement procedure forDC waveforms.Procedure:1. Connect the signal to be measured to the INPUT jack.Set the vertical MODE to the channel to be used. Set theVOLTS/DIV and SWEEP TIME/DIV switch to obtain anormal display of the waveform to be measured. Set theVARIABLE control to the CAL position.2. Set the TRIG MODE to AUTO and AC-GND-DC to theGND position, which established the zero volt reference.Using the % POSITION control, adjust the trace positionto the desired reference level position, making sure notto disturb this setting once made.3. Set the AC-GND-DC switch to the DC position toobserve the input waveform, including its DC compo-nent. If an appropriate reference level or VOLTS/DIVsetting was not made, the waveform may not be visibleon the CRT screen at this point. If so, reset VOLTS/DIVand/or the y POSITION control.4. Use the o POSITION control to bring the portion ofthe waveform to be measured to the center verticalgraduation line of the CRT screen.5. Measure the vertical distance from the reference level tothe point to be measured, (the reference level can berechecked by setting the AC-GND-DC switch again toGND).Multiply the distance measured above by theVOLTS/DIV setting and the probe attenuation ratio aswell. Voltages above and below the reference level arepositive and negative values respectively.Using the formula:DC level = Vertical distance in divisions x (VOLTS/DIV set-ting) x (probe attenuation ratio).Measuring point adjusted t o the centervertical scale by POSITION[EXAMPLE]For the example, the point being measured is 3.8 divisionsfrom the reference level (ground potential).If the VOLTS/DIV was set to 0.2 V and a 10:1 probe wasused. (See Fig. 11)Substituting the given values:DC level = 3.8 ( d i v ) x 0 . 2 ( V ) x 10 = 7.6 V17.Ground potential adjusted byPOSITION (reference line)Fig. 11