Rise time[EXAMPLE]For the example, the horizontal distance is 4 . 0 divisions.The SWEEP TIME/DIV is 2 fis. (See Fig. 18)Substituting the given value:Risetime = 4 . 0 (div) x 2 (/is) = 8/isRisetime and falltime can be measured by making use ofthe alternate step 3 as described below as well.4 . Use the <*• POSITION control to set the 1 0 % point tocoincide w i t h the center vertical graduation line andmeasure the horizontal distance to the point of the in-tersection of the waveform w i t h the center horizontalline. Let this distance be Di- Next adjust the waveformposition such that the 9 0 % point coincides w i t h the ver-tical centerline and measure the distance from that lineto the intersection of the waveform w i t h the horizontalcenterline. This distance is D2 and the total horizontaldistance is then D t plus D2 for use in the above relation-ship in calculating the rise time or falltime.Using the formula:Risetime = (Dt + D2) (div) x (SWEEP TIME/DIVsetting) x " x 10 M A G " value1 (1/10)[EXAMPLE]For the example, the measured D x is 1.8 divisions while D2is 2.2 divisions. If SWEEP TIME/DIV is 2 fis w e use thefollowing relationship. (See Fig. 19)Substituting the given value:Risetime = ( 1 . 8 + 2.2) (div) x 2 (jts) = 8 /*sTIME DIFFERENCE MEASUREMENTSThis procedure is useful in measurement of time dif-ferences between t w o signals that are synchronized to oneanother but skewed in time.Procedure:1. Apply the t w o signals t o CH1 and CH2 INPUT jacks. Setthe vertical MODE to either ALT or CHOP mode.Generally for low frequency signals CHOP is chosenw i t h ALT used for high frequency signals.2. Select the faster of the t w o signals as the SOURCE anduse the VOLTS/DIV and SWEEP TIME/DIV t o obtain aneasily observed display.Set the VARIABLE to CAL.3. Using the • POSITION control set the waveforms to thecenter of the CRT display and use the POSITIONcontrol to set the reference signal to be coincident w i t ha vertical graduation line.4. Measure the horizontal distance between the t w osignals and multiply this distance in divisions by theSWEEP TIME/DIV setting.If " x 10 M A G " is being used multiply this again by1/10.Using the formula:Time = Horizontal distance (div) x (SWEEP TIME/DIVsetting) x " x 10 M A G " value"1 (1/10)[EXAMPLE]For the example, the horizontal distance measured is 4 . 4divisions. The SWEEP TIME/DIV is 0.2 ms. (See Fig. 20)Substituting the given value:Time = 4 . 4 (div) x 0.2 (ms) = 0 . 8 8 msTime differenceFig. 2 021Adjust t o the vertical scale" w i t h o POSITIONFig. 18Adjust 9 0 % point to the centerand measure D2 .Reference signal Comparison signalAdjust 1 0 % pointto the center andmeasureRise timeFig. 19