2. The vertical calibration coefficient is now the referencesignal's amplitude (in volts) divided by the product ofthe vertical amplitude set in step 1 and the VOLTS/DIVsetting.Using the formula:Vertical coefficient_ Voltage of the reference signal (V)Vertical amplitude (div) x VOLTS/DIV setting3. Remove the reference signal and apply the unknownsignal t o the INPUT jack, using the VOLTS/DIV controlto adjust the display for easy observation. Measure theamplitude of the displayed waveform and use thefollowing relationship t o calculate the actual amplitudeof the unknown waveform.Using the formula:Amplitude of the unknown signal (V)= Vertical distance (div) x Vertical coefficientx VOLTS/DIV settingFig. 2 3[EXAMPE]For the example, the VOLTS/DIV is 1 V.The reference signal is 2 Vrms. Using the VARIABLE, ad-just so that the amplitude of the reference signal is 4 divi-sions. (See Fig. 23)Substituting the given value:2 VrmsVertical coefficient = = 0 . 54 (div) x 1 (V)Then measure the unknown signal and VOLTS/DIV is 5 Vand vertical amplitude is 3 divisions.Substituting the given value:Effective value of unknown signal = 3 (div) x 0.5 x 5(V)= 7.5 V r m s• PeriodSetting the relative sweep coefficient w i t h respect to areference frequency signal.Procedure:1. Apply the reference signal to the INPUT jack, using theVOLTS/DIV and VARIABLE to obtain an easily observedwaveform display.Using the SWEEP TIME/DIV and VARIABLE adjust onecycle of the reference signal to occupy a fixed numberof scale divisions accurately. After this is done be surenot to disturb the setting of the VARIABLE control2. The Sweep (horizontal) calibration coefficient is thenthe period of the reference signal divided by the productof the number of divisions used in step 1 for setup of thereference and the setting of the SWEEP TIME/DIV con-trol.Using the formula:Sweep coefficientPeriod of the reference signal (sec)horizontal width (div) x SWEEP TIME/DIV setting3. Remove the reference signal and input the unknownsignal, adjusting the SWEEP TIME/DIV control for easyobservation.Measure the width of one cycle in divisions and use thefollowing relationship to calculate the actual period.Using the formula:Period of unknown signal = Width of 1 cycle (div) x sweepcoefficient x SWEEP TIME/DIV setting23Reference signal Adjusted reference signal• Unknown signalReference signalAdjusted reference signal-