Fig. 2 4[EXAMPLE]SWEEP TIME/DIV is 0.1 ms and apply 1.75 kHz referencesignal. Adjust the VARIABLE so that the distance of onecycle is 5 divisions.Substituting the given value:• 1 - 7 5 ( k H z ) 1Horizontal coefficient = = 1.1425 x 0 . 1 (ms)Then, SWEEP TIME/DIV is 0.2 ms and horizontal amplitudeis 7 divisions. (See Fig. 24)Substituting the given value:Pulse width = 7 (div) x 1.142 x 0.2 (ms) = 1.6 msAPPLICATION OF X-Y O P E R A T I O N* Phase Shift MeasurementA method of phase measurement requires calculations bas-ed on the Lissajous patterns obtained using X-Y operations.Distortion due to non-linear amplification also can bedisplayed.A sine wave input is applied to the audio circuit beingtested. The same sine wave input is applied to the verticalinput of the oscilloscope, and the output of the tested cir-cuit is applied to the horizontal input of the oscilloscope.The amount of phase difference between the t w o signalscan be calculated from the resulting waveform.To make phase measurements, use the following pro-cedure.1. Using an audio signal generator w i t h a pure sinusoidalsignal, apply a sine wave test signal at the desired testfrequency to the audio network being tested.2. Set the signal generator output for the normal operatinglevel of the circuit being tested. If desired, the circuit'soutput may be observed on the oscilloscope. If the testcircuit is overdriven, the sine wave display on theoscilloscope is clipped and the signal level must bereduced.3. Connect the channel 2 probe to the output of the testcircuit.4 . Select X-Y operation by placing the TRIG MODE switchin the X-Y position.5. Connect the channel 1 probe to the input of the test cir-cuit.(The input and output test connections to the verticaland horizontal oscilloscope inputs may be reserved.)6. Adjust the channel 1 and 2 gain controls for a suitableviewing size.7. Some typical results are shown in Fig. 2 6 .If the t w o signals are in phase, the oscilloscope trace is astraight diagonal line. If the vertical and horizontal gainare properly adjusted, this line is at a 4 5 ° angle. A 9 0 °phase sift produces a circular oscilloscope pattern.Phase shift of less (or more) than 9 0 ° produces an ellip-tical oscilloscope pattern. The amount of phase shiftcan be calculated from the oscilloscope trace as shownin Fig. 2 5 .SINE 4>= —AWhere = phase angleFig. 25 Phase shift calculation24Unknownsignal