CS-1044CS-1025Fig. 4to the SINGLE position, and the READlamp @ continues to light until the endof the A sweep which is the main sweep.(CS-1044 only)@ READY lamp (for the C S - 1 0 4 4 only)When reset is given in single-sweep operation, thislamp lights and remains lit until completion of thesweep.© SWEEP VARIABLE ControlFine sweep time adjustment. In the fully clockwise(CAL) position, the sweep time is calibrated.(§) SWEEP TIME/DIVHorizontal coarse sweep time selector.Selects calibrated sweep times of 0.2 /xs/div to 0.5 s/div in 2 0 steps when sweep time VARIABLE control ©is set to CAL position (fully clockwise).@ POSITION, PULL x 10 M A GRotation adjusts horizontal position of trace. Push-pullswitch selects x 10 magnification (PULL x 10 MAG)when pulled out: normal when pushed in.In X-Y operation adjusts horizontal position of display.(§) HOLDOFF (for the C S - 1 0 4 4 only)Adjusts the sweep-to-sweep interval. Turning theHOLDOFF from the NORM (full c.c.w.) position variesthe holdoff time to more than X 1 0 at the M A X (fullc.w.) position.12