Selecting a preset station1 Select the band, then display the presetstation window.On the source control screen, touch as follows:2 Select a preset station.E.g. Preset station window for DDX4018BTTo hide the window: Touch [ ].Settings for other FM Radio Data Systemfeatures1 Display the screen.On the source control screen, touch as follows:RadioRadio2 Make the settings.When driving in an area where FM reception is notsufficient enough, this unit automatically tunes into another FM Radio Data System station of thesame network, possibly broadcasting the sameprogram with stronger signals— Network-TrackingReception.Selects the Network-Tracking Reception mode.• AF: Switches to another station. The programmay differ from the one currently received. TheAF indicator lights up.• AF Reg (Initial): Switches to another stationbroadcasting the same program. The AF indicatorlights up.• OFF: Deactivates the function.The RDS indicator lights up when the Network-Tracking Reception is activated and an FM RadioData System station is found.*• 00min to 90min: Activates New StandbyReception by selecting the period of time todisable the interruption. The NEWS indicatorlights up.• OFF (Initial): Deactivates the function.• ON: Tunes in only to FM stations with sufficientsignal strength. The LO.S indicator lights up.• OFF (Initial): Deactivates the function.• ON (Initial): Automatically searches for a stationwith better reception for traffic information if thecurrent reception of current station is poor.• OFF: Deactivates the function.* The volume adjustment for Traffic Information is automaticallymemorized. The next time the unit switches to TrafficInformation, the volume is set to the previous level.19ENGLISH PreviousNext |