IN CASE OF DIFFICULTYPOWER INDICATOR AND DC COUPLED INDICATORThePOWERindicatorandtheDCCOUPLEDindicatorflashincaseofsomemalfunctionoftheunit.Insuchacase,locate thecauseofthe trouble,andtakecorrectivemeasuresbyreferringtothefollowingchart.*When another equipment isconnected to the poweramplifier of this unit.For example, when a pre-amplifier or adaptor is con-nected to the POWER INjacks. Disconnect the equip-ment connected tothe POWER IN jacks.®The POWER switch is turn-ed ON when the DCCOUPLED switch is OFF,Turn the POWERswitch to OFFbeforehand.¢The POWER switch is turn- ied ON when the DCCOUPLED switch is ON.*SELECTORTUNER or AUX.*TAPE MONITORswitch at A or B.Set the DC COUPL-ED switch to OFF.: The indicator stops flashing after about 10 seconds, the speaker relays operate, and sound normal.: The indicator keeps flashing after 10 seconds and no*The unit functions when theDC COUPLED switch isOFF, but ceases toreproduce sound when theDC COUPLED switch is setto OFF, and the indicatorbegins to flash.Set the AT-TENUATOR at— oO,xONormal operation.DC leakage exists at the outputof the equipment connected tothe POWER IN jacks.DC leakage occurs from theoutput of the equipment con-nected to the TUNER, AUX, orTAPE PLAY jacks.Caution: If DC leakage occursfrom the output of equipmentconnected to the unit, it is audi-ble when the DC COUPLEDswitch is OFF, provided that itsvoltage is very low, e.q., incaseof output capacitor leakage. If ahigh DC voltage leakage occursdue to some malfunction, itmay damage the circuitry of theunit. Great care must be exer-cised in this respect.Power amplifier section is faul-Equalizer section is faulty.(Probable faulty locations)NORMALFAULTYHANDLE INSTALLATIONThe unit is provided with a pair of handles. Whenmounting the handles, take the four screws off eachof both sides of the unit, and put them aside. Then,mount the handles to the unit with the suppliedlonger ornamental screws driven with a Phillipsscrewdriver.KA-307(K)