Kenwood KA-907 Instruction Manual
Also see for KA-907: Instruction manual
CONTROLS,INDICATORS ANDCONNECTORSA — To monitor a recording in progress or to playback a tape from a tape deck connected to theTAPE A jacks.B —~— To monitor a recording in progress or to playback a tape from a tape deck connected to theTAPE B jacks.PHONO selectorPHONO 1 — Selects the source connected to thePHONO 1 input jacks on the rear panel. Atthese positions, MM and MC type cartridgescan be used without reconnecting the inputcables. Any of the input impedances of 33, 47and 100 kilohms can be selected as requiredwhen using MM cartridges. Select the im-pedance specified in the instruction manual forthe turntable or cartridge. The input impedancefor MC cartridges is 100 ohms.PHONO 2 — Selects the turntable (MM type 47kilohm cartridges only) connected to thePHONO 2 input jacks.@ INPUT SELECTOR switchThis switch selects the desired program source.TUNER — Selects the tuner connected to the TUNERinput jacks.PHONO — Selects the turntable connected to thePHONO 1 or PHONO 2 input jacks.AUX — Selects the program source connected to theAUX input jacks.(® FILTER switchesSUBSONIC—Presstheswitchintoattenuatesignalsbelow18Hz(6dBperoctave).Althoughsuchsignalsareinaudible,theycancause intermodulationdistortionproductsintheaudiblerange.Itisrecommendedthatthisswitchbedepressed(latchedin)atalltimes,evenifnoturntablerumbleisapparent.Presstheswitchagaintorelease thelatch.Itwillpopoutremovingthesubsonicfilter.HIGH—Pressingthisswitchin(latched)reducessignalsabove8 kHzattherateof12 dBperoc-tave.Pressthisswitchintolessenthe effectsoftapehiss,record scratch,etc.Presstounlatch (switchout)inallother cases.@ PHONES jackPlugstereoheadphonesinto thisjackforprivatelistening.@® DC COUPLED switchWhen this switch is set to OFF a single couplingCapacitor is inserted at the preamp input circuits.This breaks the DC coupling path between the signalsource and the speaker, and should be used if thesignal sources connected to the TUNER, TAPE, orAUX jacks introduce unwanted DC leakage. The OFFsetting may also be used to eliminate very low-frequency audio, which while inaudible, may causeintermodulation distortion.A single capacitor is always in the PHONO input cir-cuits. Thus, two capacitors are in the signal pathwhen phono operation is selected and the DCCOUPLED switch is OFF.When the switch is set ON the input capacitors tothe preamps are removed and true DC coupling ex-ists between the TUNER, TAPE and AUX jacks andthe speakers (the single coupling capacitor remainsat the PHONO inputs). This provides a flat response,down to DC (zero Hz) for the ultimate in amplitudeand phase response at the extreme low range ofhuman hearing. Overall phono response is not af-fected by the single coupling capacitors at the phonoinputs.@3 +=DC COUPLED indicator (Green)IftheDCCOUPLEDswitchisonwhenpowerisap-plied,thegreenindicatorwillflashforabouttensecondswhilethecircuitsstabilize.Attheendofthisperiodthe indicatorwillglowsteadily,indicatingfullstabilizationandperfectbalance.Ifthe indicator flashescontinuously,animbalanceexistsduetoDCleakage fromthesignalsourceorapossiblemalfunction. Turnoffpower,and consultthetableonpage13forappropriatecorrectivemeasures.BALANCE controlThis controlpermits balancingofleftandrightchan-nelswhenanimbalanceexistsfromthesoundsource,ortocorrectacousticimbalanceduetoroomconditions.Turnittotheleftfromthe zeropositiontoboosttheleftchannel;turnittotherightof zerotoraisetheleveloftherightchannel.@} LOUDNESS controlThe LOUDNESS control compensates for a naturalloss of human aural sensitivity in the bass range atlow volume levels. In the KA-907, additional correc-tion is available to compensate for small speakers orthe effects of room acoustics. Low-frequency cor-rection may be applied at 30 or 100 Hz and boostsof 3, 6 or 9 dB selected. The boost values apply at aVOLUME setting of —50 dB; the larger valuessignify greater intensification.MODE switchSwitch positions and functions are as follows:STEREO — This provides stereophonic reproductionof any stereo program source. The left channelis heard from the left speaker, and the rightchannel is heard from the right speaker.REVERSE — Stereophonic reproduction with revers-ed channels: left channel to right speaker, rightchannel to left speaker.MONO — Monophonic reproduction. The left andright channels are mixed together and heardfrom both speakers.KA-807(K} |
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