OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSTape-to-Tape DubbingTaperecordingsmaybeduplicatedeasilyusing onetape deck to play the prerecorded tape and anothertapedecktorecordthecopy.SettheTAPEDUBB-ING switch as follows:A>B—TorecordacopyontapedeckBfromatapeplayedontapedeckA.B>A—TorecordacopyontapedeckAfromatapeplayedontapedeckB.Note:The setting of the INPUT SELECTOR switch does not affect thisoperation. Adjust record levels on the deck that is making thecopy using that decks operating controls. Start both decks (playand record) simultaneously.THE THROUGH CIRCUITThis unit permits listening to other programsources, such as FM broadcasts or records whiletape dubbing. Other combinations can be set up asfollows:* FM broadcasts can be tape recorded whilesimultaneously listening to records as follows:1. Connect the tuner to the ‘‘PLAY”’ jacks of theTAPE A group on the rear panel of this unit andthe tape deck to the TAPE B jacks.2. Connect the turntable to PHONO 1 jacks on therear panel and set the PHONO selector switch toPHONO 1.3. FM broadcasts can be recorded when the TAPEDUBBING switch is then set to A > B and thetape deck is operated in recording mode.4. Phono sound is reproduced when the TAPEMONITOR switch is set to SOURCE.5. FM broadcasts are reproduced when the TAPEMONITOR switch is set to A. The recorded soundof FM broadcasts are reproduced and can bemonitored when the TAPE MONITOR switch isset to B.¢ Phono sources can be tape recorded whilesimultaneously listening to FM broadcasts asfollows:1.Connectthe tunertothe‘‘PLAY”’ jacksoftheTAPE Agroupontherearpanelof this unitandthe tapedecktotheTAPEBjacks.2. Connect the turntable to PHONO 1 jacks on therear panel and set the PHONO selector switch toPHONO 1.3. Set the TAPE MONITOR switch to A and tune inFM broadcasts..SettheTAPEDUBBINGswitchtoSOURCEandthetapedecktorecordingmode.The soundfromthediscrecord canthenberecorded..TheFMbroadcastsarereproducedwhentheTAPEMONITORswitchisthensettoA.WhenitissettoSOURCE,thesoundofthediscrecordwillbereproduced.WhenitissettoB,thetaperecordedsoundofthediscrecordcanbemonitored.TURNTABLE 1 STEREO TUNERTAPE.REC-A-PLAY REC-B-PLAYweeaaw G0 Oa!TAPE DECK BKA-907(K)